Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additions questions, please submit them here

Who are Rowan and Tracey?

Rowan Hall is a Writer/Director/Actor based in Los Angeles, California. She hates the sun, loves a good ghost story, and mostly wears black. But she’s not a vampire, we promise.

Check out her website!

Tracey is a IT Technical Manager based in Pennsylvania. She is powered by coffee, but has a massive tea collection. She has a passion for photography, and manages to embroider, draw, fence, and make soap…just for fun.

Check out her website!

The pair grew up together in the woods of Pennsylvania. Their favorite place to play as kids may or may not have been Rowan’s neighborhood graveyard…see if you can find it in some of Tracey’s photography!

Check out the Team page to learn more!

Do you write your own stories?

They do! Rowan and Tracey try their best to make it clear when and what they are quoting. Anything else was written by one, or both of our cohosts.

Why did you create The Willing & Fable Podcast?

As obsessive podcast fans Rowan and Tracey decided to give creating a podcast of their own a try. They love talking to each other about myths and stories, so it was an easy shift to do it in front of a microphone!

Who wrote the music for the podcast? Who designed the logo and art?

The amazing artists behind Willing & Fable are also involved in tons of creative endeavors of their own! Check them out:

Taylor Ash - who wrote and performed all the podcast music

Jamie Harrison - who designed the Willing & Fable logo

Tracey Harrison - who takes our photographs and draws all of our Fan Friday art

Does Willing & Fable have social media accounts?

Absolutely! Willing & Fable is everywhere on the internet using the handle @WillingAndFable.

Check out Instagram and Twitter.

Does Willing & Fable have a Patreon?

Absolutely! Click here to check out all the bonus content the pair created for patrons! Perks include access to the Discord Community, custom art made by Tracey, a custom story written by Rowan, and even the ability to choose an episode topic!

Where do you get your facts?

All of the show notes can be found on our website. This includes the sources Rowan and Tracey used for each episode. Please reach out using the contact page if you have any questions!

You recommended a book/podcast/etc. on an episode, is there a place I can find it?

Check out our recommendations page! We TRY to keep it updated the best we can. If anything is missing, please reach out here so we can add it for you!

I have a story I would like you to cover. How do I let you know?

Awesome! The team always loves a story! You can write in two ways:

Submit a recommendation OR write a “Listener Legend” for Rowan and Tracey to read in an episode.

Please submit either to the contact form here or send an email to

Additionally, one of our Patreon tiers includes the ability to choose an episode topic!

I don’t think you got one of your facts right, where can I let you know?

Rowan and Tracey always do their best to include accurate information from reliable sources on each episode. But they are definitely human. If there’s a fact you believe is incorrect, please shoot the team a message here, so Willing & Fable can look into it!

You called “x” story a “myth” but it’s part of my religious practice. What gives?

Willing & Fable is a mythology and story podcast and is therefore looking at tales from around the world with the same level of importance and validity.

In line with the study of mythology, Willing & Fable follows this definition of a myth:

“a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.” — Oxford Languages

While the hosts will occasionally question their own personal beliefs alongside the stories (ex. Rowan is on a desperate hunt to find a ghost, while Tracey would much prefer that ghosts don’t exist because, oh boy does she get scared!), the team at Willing & Fable never have the goal to prove or disprove any religious practice.

Please listen to the audio track below “What the Heck is a Myth?” to hear the team discusses this more in detail.

Or read this article from Encyclopedia Brittanica that expertly describes the different classifications of story. It was one of the key sources for Episode 1.

My business would like to advertise on your podcast, where can I contact you?

Hello! Welcome! The Willing & Fable team is excited to meet your brand!

Please fill out our contact form here.

Or email us at

Did I hear a cat meow or dog bark in an episode?

You sure did!

That meow comes from Lola — Tracey’s sweet cat who cannot stand to be out of the room when people might be having fun without her! She’s in so many podcast meetings that we call her our “Producer” who works for treats and cuddles.

The bark is from Malcolm — He’s Tracey’s giant puppy. He’s a goofball with tons of energy.